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Email Marketing is a new means to promote their products or services online directly to the audience or prospective buyers. Email in General is a means of sending messages either in the form of text, images, sounds and other media that are very efective because of the direct and secret. The technique of Email Marketing is a very popular marketing techniques used in America, because email marketing is considered as effected and efficient means to offer a product or service.

For those of you who have an email in the email are in fact already provided its own column containing deals or ads from a particular company. Well the use of email marketing in the business world has its own advantages so this method can develop quickly in all types of businesses and organizations. Here are some of the advantages of email marketing.

The first is the number of Email users. Many of the people on Earth have dependence and need email support the business process or personal needed. Some people may make use of the email just to send the message, but there's also the utilization of email to a particular organization or agency needs. The development of this email is a huge opportunity for the promoters for the promotion of goods and services directly to prospective buyers. Each person has a different email and certainly will not have the same email address, so that everyone cans otentificate with good. Try to imagine how much the number of people who have an email in the world, will certainly be a great opportunity to open a field promotion to all people in the world.

Email supports many files. Email service can facilitate all needed for message delivery. Messages sent not only text, but also can be an image, video, audio is so very efective for delivery of promotion of goods or services through email marketing

Fast delivery. The email service is carried out by making use of internet transmission, so data transfer can take place very quickly. If anyone has a business certainly is a huge opportunity to market your business to the rest of the world through email marketing.

And other advantages. Many ways that can be used to make marketing online. Email marketing is one of the methods that we can use to expand and enlarge the direction of promotion throughout the world. 
Cloud base technology is the latest technology that enables connectivity and the data transmission process indefinitely by using internet services. Cloud technology is still unfamiliar to most people, however, the cloud technology services are already used by companies - large companies as supporting the activities and business processes that take place in the company. As an initial post in our site will explain the notion and basic concepts of cloud computing. Cloud computing is a term that represents of the use of computer technology with the development of Internet-based. The term cloud itself is a globally accepted term that describes the Internet service.

The basic system of cloud computing technology that is a data storage that is located on the server, so the Data and Opera can be accessed by all users anywhere and anytime without any restriction with notes having an internet connection to access the server. Cloud computing technology is proven to encourage the process of transmission and processing of the data more Easily, Effectively and efficiently. Cloud computing services are divided into Several types based on the function. In general, cloud computing services are divided into Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Here is an explanation of the three kinds of computer services:

1. Software as a Service (SaaS)

Services software as a service is a service that relates directly to the end user. This service provides an application with the cloud base that can be primarily used by the end user to facilitate the work. Not only to work on this now emerging companies - large companies that build SaaS services to be used by all people in the world. As well as email services, social media, entertainment sites, online games, and so forth.

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Service is renting a space or platform for use by other companies / individuals to run an application from the user. Reviews These services can be a container for storage of the operating system, database storage service, or even a framework used to build an application. This service is typically used by companies - big companies to support the needs and manufacturing services to the base line.

3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Service infrastructure is a rental service for builder's hardware or IT parties where infrastructure is based cloud with internet to access it. Infrastructure can be commonly used media storage, server, network, and so forth. The level and quality of infrastructure depends on sfecification hired by the client and the client must be Able to choose to improve the specification infrastructure to service providers as needed.

So how do the work of a cloud computing technology? Cloud computing service works by utilizing a computer server that is always online at any time. Reviews These servers store the data and applications needed in the network cloud so that users can access the data and services in full time. In Accessing a service or a data user is usually required to log the data as user authentication, after the user logged in users can Utilize all the resources provided by the server with certain restrictions and conditions.

The workings of the process of interaction and the request from the user to the server takes place in the Internet network. When the user runs an application cloud applications will receive the requests and orders from the Internet signal the which is then processed by the server and the results Returned to the user again. So the process of cloud computing will never be Able to walk if the absence of the Internet network. Thus Spake the initial posting of the computer network, may be useful and increase of your knowledge about cloud computing technology. 
Device needs a computer with cloud systems to serve a large business process Gave rise to diverse services. Services that Appear to meet the major business processes with cloud-based services has led to a dedicated server. Services dedicated server is a service provided by the cloud server provider for the developer / builder system that requires a server in a particular country as a whole leased and used by the company as a whole. Companies - large companies that need a server computer with a high specification but do not have the ability to buy personal server or the ability to manage server can take advantage of a dedicated server services.

Company / parties renting a dedicated server service given full authority over a leased server includes the operating system selection, hardware and so on. Although you can specify the operating system and hardware requirements alone but you will still gain support for the installation and maintenance of the device that you rent a dedicated server. Dedicated servers are not totally belong to you, but you are just a tenant service only when the contract expires, the server will return to the right and the power of the server owner. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of a dedicated server.

Advantage of Dedicated Servers. The main advantages of a dedicated server full service access given to the tenant service. Services-provided dedicated server would provide a system that is really - really Appropriate and required by tenants dedicated servers Because all server resources and infrastructure will be completely - completely in accordance with the business processes that run. Services dedicated server is suitable as supporting services in an online game company, website service that can meet millions of concurrent access. Services dedicated server can run high business processes, the ability to create more than one domain, can make a good email service, the ability to support database and software is not limited.

Disadvantages of dedicated server. Excess dedicated server services must be balanced with the cost of expensive to hire the service. For a large enterprise business problems probably will not have to spend big money to hire a dedicated server services, but for an individual or a small company that certainly would be a problem to issue a high budget to hire a dedicated server services.

Conclusion end dedicated server services that are very beneficial for the development of services with the specifications and business processes is high. Services dedicated server IS ALSO A service that helps business processes is high. Hopefully this article can be useful, especially for Reviews those who are accustomed to using shared hosting service can not hurt to try out the service dedicated server.